The "Norm"
When did it become normal to have plastic in our hands? In our mouths? So engrained into every part of our lives? My grandmother would tell me stories of when she was younger how she would collect soda pop bottles and return them to the local market for change to buy candy. Food was stored in wax paper, glass or metal containers. In under a century our way of life has changed so drastically. The ecosystem is changing based on the choices we make, animals are dying, waters are polluted...our source of life is declining. We have trash islands floating in the ocean and shuffle trash from continent to continent. Out of sight out of mind right? I've made the choice to be conscious about my choices and the effect I have on the world. I bought my first Klean Kanteen water bottle 2 years ago and have not bought a water bottle since. I've purchased other eco-friendly products that are sustainable and practical. With cutting edge technology and new innovative ideas it has become easier to find and create this type of life style without going too far out of your usual norm. I recycle and reuse all plastic that I use. With each step it becomes easier. I love the earth, walking barefoot with dirt between my toes, listening to the birds sing their song, swimming with the rainbow fish. I love you Gaia.